Confident Life in the Generosity of God
God’s Choice of Generous Grace Jesus taught farmers and fishermen about treasures in God’s realm, serving God and Mammon, and choosing not to be anxious about life. Paul gave us the example of persecuted, impoverished believers overflowing with simple generosity. It’s hard to relate. We in the US are well-off in the world at large but most of us don’t feel rich enough to be generous. We like generosity. Henry Ford or Bill Gates makes a pile of money, sets up a foundation, becomes “good,” a benefactor. We learn generosity as a function of wealth. That’s “love of honor” (a payoff) not simple generosity. The striking thing in the NT is Generosity of the Poor, not for any glory but to learn God’s grace by simply seeing and helping the needs of others. There’s no virtue in poverty nor any necessary evil in wealth, but there’s danger in both. Dispair and rage, corrupt power, blindness to others, etc. All along the spectrum, we learn that Mammon saves. God’s grace draws us to see simple, non-manipulative generosity as a core of life for everyone no matter what their circumstances. Seek to share in the practice of Grace!