The Generosity of Grace

ar hearing Jesus’ teaching about serving God and Mammon and about being anxious about life. How can I live that in a world organized around Mammon and powered by anxious, competitive desire. Serving Mammon is our default setting. Each Sunday: “Worship through Giving.” What does it mean? Offerings aren’t mere tokens. They’re a language of gratitude, spoken with money – the stuff we get in exchange for a portion of our life, energy, creativity. We all pay life to get money. It can become Mammon: getting money is fundamental. Jesus takes money very seriously: “More blessed to give...” Paul recognized the challenge of teaching Gentiles and Jews. Traditional religion is often bargain and payment. If God is good to me, I’ll pay a vow. I’ll give in order to get far more. Is God good, fair? Am I getting return for my faith, worship, gifts I bring? Doesn’t God owe me?


Confident Life in the Generosity of God


Community of Hope Sunday