Power and Humility: Jesus and the Roman Centurion
Contrasting images on the ethnicity of Jesus. The sermon for this week explores why our understanding of Jesus as a Jewish man who was poor and part of an oppressed minority matters deeply in how we understand the faith of the Centurion.
Matthew 8:5-13
When the need of another person is made plain to us, we can enter into the universal experience of being human, and all distinctions disappear. But we need a humbling power to help us. We need a power greater than our own so that we can adequately relativize whatever authority has been given to us. And the only power that works on the privileged and the underprivileged alike is the divine power of Jesus.
We come at it from different places. Jesus comes to preach good news to the poor and the captive, all the while offering those of us who are not poor, who are not oppressed a place at the table if we can have faith like that of the centurion. However, we have to remember that the faith of the Centurion came at a cost. His faith moved him to an action of humility and letting go of power in the service of another person, that in his day would have been unimaginable.
The Secular Gospel, and the Beauty of the Jesus
Matthew 20:25-28, 5:14-16, Romans 5:6-9, John 13:34-35
Carl Garrision and the volunteers from Community of Hope lead our worship service.
Prophecy in Future Ruins: Amos and Hosea
Amos 5:18-24, Hosea 14:1-9
Prophecy in Future Ruins
The early written prophets take us mid 8th cent (750) bc. Time of Homer & Rome’s founding. David was as long ago as the American Revolution is to us. Kingdom divided: Israel, north; Judah, south, since Solomon nearly 2 cent. In the north a strong king, Jeroboam II (784-47 bc). The empire of Assyria was in inner turmoil and Jeroboam expanded territory, brought trade, prosperity. Israel’s worship centers at Bethel and elsewhere were prospering. Both Yahweh and Baal Hadad and other gods were worshiped. The very definition of good religion. Religion was always a bargain/contract with the gods. Offer sacrifice and pay vows so that the gods will bless you with fertility, prosperity, victory. That was the language of most religion, Canaan, Greece, Assyria, even Israel.
Incarnational Community...of Hope
John 1:4-18
Carl Garrison, our Associate Minister of Outreach, delivers a powerful sermon on the Incarnation through the lens of the people at the Community of Hope.
Jesus and the Third Rail
Philippians 2:1-11
Community of Hope Sunday message led by Carl Garrison, minister to the community of hope. The podcast opens with a testimony from Carol, a member of the Community of Hope.