Black History Month Service
See Something, Say Something
Matthew 28:16-20
Amy Bost Henegar preaches on the power of story as a witness to Christ.
The Book of Esther
Amy Bost Henegar delivers a keynote lecture on the Book of Esther at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures.
Glory Revealed
Amy Henegar shares a scripture reflection from John 2:1-12 at our monthly Saturday Evening Service.
Who Are You?
John 1:19-34
Amy Henegar shares a scripture reflection from John 1:19-38 at our once a month Saturday Evening Service.
Jesus is the Light
John 1:1-18
Amy Henegar preaches from John 1:1-18 at our first Saturday Evening Worship gathering.
Thanks Giving and Remembrance Service
Our Remembrance and Thanksgiving service has been posted. Below are the tributes for this year along with the time code where the tribute for each person begins.
01:45 - Gloria Barreto by Tom Barreto
04:50 - Eddie Moloney by June Chang
06:14 - Dee Andrews by Erin Holland
08:12 - William “Bill” Milford Minor by Leighton Minor
18:22 - Arturo “Arthur” James by Yanela Stephenson
19:22 - Carmen “Pam” Wisdom by Melanie Rivers
20:09 - Malcom X. Bell by Diamond McDonald
21:56 - Ilene Levin Shulman by Betsy Shulman
25:13 - Allena Ann Robinson Kendall by Tom Robinson
29:53 - Joe Moriarty by Matt Henegar
33:29 - Jean Davidson by Erin Holland
36:22 - Norman Samuel by Mary Joseph
38:40 - John Boyles by Evan Eley
41:34 - Frank Peoples and Brother Joe by Carl Garrison
Loving Mercy on Mother's Day
The Good Samaritan
Amy preaches a powerful sermon on the “Good Samaritan” for our Mother’s Day Sunday morning service.
Remembrance and Thanksgiving Service
Each year we take time to remember and give thanks for those people in our lives who have passed away. As a community who is made up with people mainly from 'somewhere else' we don't often get a chance to sharing in the mourning with those who lose people back home. Each year during this service we stop, remember, give thanks, and praise God for the people in our lives who have gone before us.
Living Worthy of the Gospel
Philippians 1:27-30
Amy preaches on Philippians 1:27-30 and recounts her experience being the first woman from the Church of Christ to deliver a keynote sermon at the ACU Lectures.
Mary of Nazareth & Her (Un)Ladylike Faith
Scriptures Readings on Mary:
Matthew 1:16
... and Jacob was the father of Joseph,
the husband of Mary,
of whom Jesus was born, who is called the Christ.
Luke 1:27
The virgin's name was Mary. The angel came to her and said, "Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!"
Luke 1:35
The angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High
will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy--the Son of God.
Gospel of Gratitude
Luke 17:11-19
Lewis Smedes, who was my ethics professor at Fuller Seminary, described it this way: “Ingratitude decays the spirit, spoils the soul, decomposes life itself.”
In this sermon Amy looks at the story of the lepers that Jesus heale from leprosy. Nine went on their way and only one returned to thank Jesus. What made this man return to Jesus? What did he see and experience when Jesus responded to his cries for mercy with healing grace? And how can we live in gratitude everyday, seeing our lives as gifts from God?