The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Life

Walking with a God of Wild Surprise

My first sermon, 55 yrs ago, was on Mic 6:6-8. I loved its poetry, call to simple, powerful transformation: Justice, Hesed, a humble walk with God. Challenging. The wild card, explosion is in that phrase “walk with God.” God surprises! A surprise may be announced in advance, but is of such character that no one can believe it’s really coming.

Pentecost is the great surprise. When leaders of Israel and Gentiles combined to destroy God’s Messiah – who embodies Israel, humanity, God – what’s the last thing God would do? Pour out God’s own self – Spirit – life on these people. Claim their evil deed as his own. Help them to change their thinking (repent) and be plunged into the one they crucified. Forgive them! Make them into a new inclusive – all humanity – community of Grace.


The Love That is Breaking Through


Beautiful Life