Good News and Boundaries of Belonging

The Spirit’s Surprise in the Spreading Good News

Jesus sent the Apostles out to make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:18-20). On Pentecost, Jews from many nations/languages were gathered in Jerusalem when the Spirit came. Acts unfolds the story as these diverse Jews respond, and God creates new community.

But there’s irony as the Apostles stay in Jerusalem when persecution comes. Greek-speaking leaders go out. The great story of the inclusion of Gentiles is Acts 10: Cornelius and Peter. We see that Peter never intended to go to foreigners, till pushed by God’s Spirit. He has to learn that God shows no partiality. God’s Spirit comes unexpectedly and pushes him.

But even earlier, Acts tells of Philip, a leader among Greek-speaking Jews. Under persecution he goes out to Samaritans alienated from Jews. People respond with joy. But surprisingly the Spirit doesn’t come. There needs to be unity across old wounds and prejudices. The Spirit waits till apostles come from Jerusalem. Jews and Samaritans are united in Jesus.


Good News of God’s Spirit and Community


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