“What will You Give Me for Jesus?”

Matthew 26:6-22

Seeing Jesus’ Crucifixion and My Place There
Matthew’s final sections focus on the supreme moments of the Gospel: Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Mt doesn’t approach them as doctrines but a events that were complex, astonishing, life-transforming. The whole NT is a quest to grasp their impact and meaning.
These stories were told thousands of times in many forms by eye-witnesses and new believers. Mt (using Mk) leads us through, selecting details to focus on, to help us see, be grasped by what happened. We’re his concern, with a priviledged view, watching many characters.
Jesus is clearly at the center, challenging, mysterious, inviting. We’re behind the scenes too with chief priests and others. We see one-time individuals like the woman whose actions or words reveal something significant. Especially we watch the disciples as they learn, falter, grow. But Mt often challenges our feeling superior to the disciples as the events unfold.