Fear, Faith, and Love: “Perfect?” The Love that Throws Fear Out

1 John 4:7-21

Fearless Love in a Fear-filled World
“Fearless?” We live as vulnerable physical creatures in a dangerous world. Death is part of being human. In our bodies, in our circumstance, we’re often beset by anxieties. We all struggle.
1 John 4:18a (ESV) “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear!” It’s strange to say! In common experience, love and fear/anxiety can be close companions. “Love” often means someone/thing has become deeply important to me. I need it/them. My “love” creates fear that I might lose the beloved. Love is deep emotional vulnerability. I hover, protect, worry!
What does John mean? Many in his day advised keeping distance from emotional ties as the way to life without fear. But he stresses love! Maybe I don’t have “perfect love.” A new fear! John challenges us, but not to perfectionism. He calls us to participation in God’s life/love.


Fear, Faith, and Love: The Rock – Building a House for Storm and Calm


Fear, Faith, and Love: “Don’t Worry!” Looking at Life with Anxiety